Do College Students Need Emotional Support Animals?

College life is a unique experience, but it can also be overwhelming. In fact, most students experience anxiety because of academics, high expectations, and separation from their families. Some may develop emotional disorders like depression, social anxiety, or worse — suicidal thoughts.

If your academic performance is hindered by any of these conditions, consider getting an emotional support animal (ESA). This article discusses different examples of ESAs and how they can benefit college students.

The Surge of Emotional Support Animals in College Dorms

You may be wondering if you're allowed to bring animals on campus. Technically speaking, not all colleges and universities allow students to bring pets inside the campus. But emotional support animals are not just pets. They're prescribed by a licensed mental health professional to provide comfort to their owner and ease their anxiety. You may not be able to bring them to class, but they can be your roommate in your dorm.

All institutions are required by law not to deny housing to ESA owners. According to the Fair Housing Act, ESAs are permitted to almost every type of housing. This includes university dorms and apartments. In addition, landlords are not allowed to charge extra fees or impose restrictions on ESAs.

As the stigma of mental illness diminishes, schools have started accommodating ESAs to mitigate suicides among students in recent years. In fact, colleges are seeing a rise in student requests who want to bring an ESA into their dorms. Many schools are also using therapy animals to help students during stressful times.

What Are the Benefits of Emotional Support Animals for College Students?

esa in dorm

Having an emotional support animal by your side comes with different perks for students, especially those that are still adjusting to college. The benefits include the following:

  • They help you become physically more active. Your physical health is as important as your mental health, so it's essential that you keep it in good shape. ESAs, especially dogs, can help you be more active by walking or playing around the campus. These activities are also a good distraction, so you don't excessively focus on your academics.
  • You can handle homesickness better. It's typical for students to want to be with their families, which makes them feel depressed when they can’t. ESAs can be your companion, so you don't miss home that much. They can give you a sense of familiarity in a new place and can be a good distraction from all the sadness.
  • They're your support system. Whether they're paying attention to you or not, ESAs are a great support system just by being there with you. It's a plus if you actually feel their love when they go to your lap or want your touch. Essentially, they make your day so much better and your college life more bearable.


One of the most common misconceptions about ESAs is that any student can bring them. Note that a pet owner should be able to recognize if a place is conducive for animals. Most dorm rooms are too small, and animals can get neglected. If you really need an ESA, make sure that you're responsible enough to take care of your fur buddy.

Read more articles below!

Do you own an assistance animal? Register your pet today.

The Service Animal Registry of California invites you to have your assistance animal registered in order to designate its status. We also encourage you to take our online classes so you can be fully aware of your rights and gain more knowledge about your support animal.

Finally, we present to you our book entitled, “ASSISTANCE ANIMAL LAWS: LEARN YOUR RIGHTS REGARDING SERVICE ANIMALS, EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ANIMALS, THERAPY PETS, AND OTHER DOGS, CATS, AND ASSISTANCE ANIMALS” to provide you with a complete education on assistance animals. Purchase your copy of the book by clicking the image below.